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GCSE Religious Studies: Life after death (Unit 2)

GCSE Religious Studies: Life after death (Unit 2)

15 slide powerpoint covering Unit 2: Life after death. Explains key terms and gives points for discussion on the following: Christian beliefs on life after death, non-religious reasons for believing in life after death, why some do not believe in life after death, abortion (discusses different Christian attitudes and the film ‘Juno’), euthanasia (types, moral issues, Christian responses), should the media critique religious views on life after death, poverty and Christian Aid.
GCSE Religious Studies: Believing in God (Unit 1)

GCSE Religious Studies: Believing in God (Unit 1)

10 page powerpoint covering Unit 1: Believing in God. Explains key terms and gives points for discussing: Christian upbringings, religious experiences, the argument from design, the argument from causation, scientific explanations, prayer, suffering.